Monday 6 February 2012

Political Ambition? (that's with a very small p)

It all started a couple of weeks ago when I had an email from school; there is a vacancy to be a parent governor. It’s a responsibility I have held before at the primary school and I thought maybe it was about time I got involved at secondary level now both boys once more attend the same school.

I duly retrieved the form from school and filled it in, delivering it personally so it didn’t get lost in a school bag for the next three months. Maybe this is my reason for wanting to be a school governor I can find out stuff before it is too late!

The other day there was a voice mail message on my phone from school; could I please ring them back? It was about my application.

I had already found out there are two of us standing and there has to be a vote amongst the parents. This is a first for me as I have previously become a parent governor with no opposition.

My first irrational thought was I had been found out! They have discovered I have been bribing the electorate with offers of chocolate brownies – sad but true!

When I posted on Facebook that there was to be vote between two parents, one friend replied her vote could be guaranteed by confectionery. Another friend is a decorator and his vote could be bought if he got the contract to paint my second home that I would undoubtedly purchase on expenses.

OK so it got a bit silly but this is Facebook and in the public domain! Some people don’t share my sense of humour. I had visions of my integrity in tatters before I even get voted into office. 

Time to face the music. With a little trepidation I rang school back.  
“The head will be counting the votes next Friday if you would like to be there you are invited to attend.”

Impressive stuff this but fortunately was no hint that I had overstepped the mark or wasn’t taking my responsibility seriously enough  – PHEW!

Now I’ve stayed up late and watched “Election Night” on TV. Should I wear a rosette to match my outfit? Actually had I missed a trick at parents evening last week, should I have been canvassing? I was thankful I didn’t have a deposit to lose but what if nobody votes for me?

These were the thoughts running through my brain but the sensible words that tumbled from my mouth were.

“It’s a PD Day on Friday isn’t it? The children aren’t at school.”

“Yes.” Replied the secretary.

“OK I don’t think I’ll bother.”

“Most people don’t want to come in. We will let you know later in the day or the following week.”

Far better I spend the day with my boys, if I bribe them with chocolate brownies I’m sure I’ll be onto a winner!

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