Friday, 26 October 2012


Once upon a time when between “proper” jobs I signed up with an employment agency.

I was young and naïve but I had a piece of paper in my hand saying I had achieved a 2:2 in a Library and Information Studies degree. So my skills and talents were undisputed.

A job came up at a big chemical company nearby. The job description was “something” to do with windows.

Now what I am about to confess is probably the biggest blonde moment of my life and I can’t remember telling anyone this story in confidence let alone sharing on social media for the whole wide world to see!

I sat through most of interview looking at the window in the room unsure if the job require me to take an inventory of all the physical windows on the plant or Windows was some computer jargon!

Goodness knows what they thought of this bumbling idiot answering questions in a vague wishy washy manner. Obviously not sufficiently qualified in either building materials or computer science for the task at hand.

You have to remember this was half a lifetime ago and in technology terms this was practically the dark ages!

Needless to say I didn’t get the position.

Windows were in the news yesterday introducing their latest operating system Windows 8, see I am a lot more computer savvy now!

Actually I am far ahead of the game, having my very own windows update installed as I type!

Windows - six
Windows - eight

PLEASE NOTE: these windows are NOT touch screen, please do not leave sticky finger prints on the glass.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! Love it Sarah, and we've all been there with something similar!
    My daughter's always pulling me up for getting it wrong, and I'm brunette...
