Sunday, 15 January 2012


We had a very exciting day at our church. This afternoon the Archbishop of York, John Sentemu came to dedicate our new church hall extension.

The church was packed with people including lots of familiar faces who have moved away since the project started. They were keen to see the hall nearing completion and join in the celebration. It was a great time to catch up.

It also gave me the opportunity to pass some baby things on to one friend whose daughter is fostering a young family. That’s more clutter gone from the loft!

While transferring a high chair from one car to the other we saw some friends were having their photo taken beside a rather posh looking car in the car park.  There was a crest of some sort attached to the aerial – all very official looking.

Thinking it was the Archbishop’s car my friend and I joined in with the pose.

As we were smiling for the camera we watched as the Archbishop himself left the church hall and got into a different car.

We’d been standing beside the wrong one! This was the mayor’s car, suddenly it seemed to be not quite as impressive and we all shuffled away.

Oh well nobody need ever know… you can keep a secret can’t you?

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